Thoughts, ideas, and writing things down

I love writing!

Much like the value I find in the craft of photography, there is real value in crafting an idea into something that's (hopefully) worth reading. It's good exercise for an active mind.

And my mind is an active one - I have a continual flow of thoughts and ideas going through my mind all the time.

The funny thing about ideas, though, is that they are extremely slippery and fleeting things. If they're not somehow recorded immediately, when they present themselves, then, poof!  They're gone forever.

There was a time, and it wasn't so long ago, that I used to carry an idea notebook with me all the time - an idea would flash into my mind, and I would immediately stop whatever I was doing and record it in my notebook.

It was a wonderful creative habit that I let drop away, but one that I'm happy to be getting back to moving forward from here.

I've tried using the notes function in my phone for this in the past, and it's better than nothing, but I much prefer old-school pen and paper.

In the end, many of the posts that are going to show up here on my blog will be taken directly from my idea notebook.

It'll be interesting to discover just what they might turn out to be.



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