The first time ever I saw your face

 It's etched into my mind, as if it were yesterday.

There you were, constrained within my Sister's laundry room because of your lack of house training. You'd been through a traumatic experience, and were in the midst of a time of uncertainty (a story for another day).

I looked down at you. You looked up at me. It started in that moment. You were my dog. I was your human. The way it was always meant to be.

My first look at Sammy

In the years following that fateful day, through countless hours together, experiences good and bad, we developed an unbreakable bond. A bond which, I believe, extends beyond this world and into the next.

I loved you from that first moment, through every minute in between, until your final breath. I love you still. 

You would have been twelve years old today (9/12/2023).

Happy Heavenly Birthday, my beautiful Sammy-boy. 

I'll see you again.



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